More than just a workout session, it’s a mind and body movement experience. It’s your moment of self care during the day where you discover something that nourishes your body, relaxes your mind, and increases your endorphins.


These rhythm-based classes are designed to benefit everyone, no matter where you are on your health and wellness journey. Each class is musically driven and inspired which makes these sessions fun and highly effective. You will be encouraged to intuitively choose the modifications and advancements that work best for your body during each and every workout!

Ways to move!


Join me for a session on Zoom, where you'll immerse yourself in our community.



Move and breathe with me anytime, anywhere, no matter how busy you are.


1-1 Training

Need something a little more personal? Contact me for pricing and more details.

Signature Classes

This low impact, full body workout session uses a combination of barre, cardio, and abdominal work to help you lengthen your muscles and strengthen your core while building flexibility and strength. Modifications and amplifications are always offered throughout class, so each client can find a version of the movements that fit their specific needs. You'll be supported no matter where you are that day.


This mat based class focuses on strength, stability, posture, proper breath control and flexibility. Each class will work to balance all muscle groups with an emphasis on challenging the core. Modifications and amplifications are always offered throughout these sessions. You'll be supported no matter where you are that day.


This cardio based class takes classic barre moves and performs them on a fitness trampoline. This class really raises the heart rate and increases your shake and quake as you fight for balance on a dynamic surface. Modifications and amplifications are always offered throughout these sessions. You'll be supported no matter where you are that day.

“I love the atmosphere and the workouts. They are challenging and encouraging! The teacher is amazing!” -Krystal

“Love love love! Can't say enough about my experience. It's a tough workout for sure, but in only the very best way.” -Sara

"The results I saw after just six months amazed me. The instructor offers modifications throughout the workout, tailoring to multiple fitness levels and encourages you in a fun and positive environment. Classes are effective and fun. (Yes I mentioned fun twice. After all if it wasn't fun I'm not sure I would have stuck with it for long.)” - Stephanie

“I love these classes! I'm over 50 and don't have any previous dance experience, but I'm always able to complete the class because no dance experience is necessary. The workouts are always intense, but good. I leave feeling great!” -Malvina

About Kristen

Kristen began dancing at the age of 14. During this time, she discovered her love of fitness and creative movement. She continued to dance through her college years and also started to explore Pilates and Barre classes as well. She instantly fell in love and quickly obtained certifications in both of these methodologies.
She strongly believes that fitness should be a place free of judgment and comparison. Instead, she prefers to motivate clients through encouraging words and the assurance that working out is achievable at any fitness level.

Her certifications include:
POP Pilates
NAFC Group Fitness 

Let's get social!

get ready to move!